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SFM market share continues to grow in 2024

An update on SFM's market share, midyear 2024.

Minnesota paid leave laws and workers’ compensation benefits

Employers may wonder how these statutes intersect with workers’ compensation benefits.

Federal and state OSHA fines: 2024

There are several state OSHA fines to be aware of, in addition to federal standards.

Communicate premium increases due to endorsements

Billing changes due to endorsements can catch policyholders off guard. When agents receive a notice of an endorsement, they can help ease the concerns of policyholders by alerting them right away.

Independent contractors: New DOL rule

A new U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) rule regarding who qualifies as an independent contractor took effect in the spring of 2024.

SFM promotional videos now available

Promotional videos about SFM are available on YouTube.

Driving safety webinar recording available

The recording of SFM’s recent webinar on safe driving and the implications for workers’ compensation is now available for agents and clients.

Upcoming e-mods available in SAM

You can find a wealth of information on current policies in SFM Agency Manager (SAM), including the upcoming e-mod for policies that are renewing soon.

SFM Foundation golf events raise $160,000

2024 golf events in Minnesota and Iowa raised more than $160,000. In total, more than 260 golfers came out for the events, and sponsors continued to help bolster the fundraising effort.

SFM attending industry events – summer and fall 2024

SFM is attending several industry events during the summer and fall of 2024.

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