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New employee safety: Get your new hires off to a safe start

Employees are at higher risk of injuries during their first six months on the job, according to SFM claim data. Effectively training new employees on safety can be challenging, but it’s key to protecting and retaining quality employees.

Preventing injuries among aging workers

Why older workers are more at risk for workers’ comp injuries, and four tips for preventing injuries among older workers.

Preventing hand injuries in the workplace
Preventing hand injuries in the workplace

Preventing hand injuries in the workplace is vital for a number of reasons.

School safety resources
SFM featured resources: School safety

SFM has a wealth of resources related to school safety.

Outdoor hazards to watch for during warm weather months

Warm weather is not without its own risks, especially for people who work outdoors. Watch out for tripping hazards, heat stress, severe weather and insects.

Safe driving
Safe driving practices for employees

More than 43,000 Americans died in a traffic-related incident in 2022, a number that has been on the rise in recent years. Defensive driving and other safe driving techniques are learned habits. Here are some tips to help equip employees and yourself with the knowledge you need to be safer on the roads.

Muscular injuries: How to combat common ergonomic challenges

While injuries commonly occur when lifting or moving is involved, implementing a program that focuses on proper ergonomics can greatly reduce incidents. Challenges with larger muscle groups (primarily the back and shoulders) are often easier to identify and control than those associated with repetitive motion risk factors.

Ladder inspections: What to look for

A fall from a ladder can be devastating, so take the time to make sure your ladder is in good shape with these ladder inspection safety tips.

How floors can help prevent slips and falls

Slips and falls can happen to anyone. Doing what you can to make your floors more slip resistant is one way you can prevent workplace injuries.

Top seven safety tips for office workers

While office jobs are generally considered safer than others, they do have their own unique hazards. Here are seven tips for office workers to prevent workplace injuries.

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