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Chemical safety tips for your employees

Keep employees safe by providing them training and personal protective equipment tailored to the specific chemicals they’re using.

Keeping employees safe and engaged while working from home

Amid the frenzied transition for many people to work from home, some important aspects of a healthy workplace may have taken a backseat, such as mental health considerations, communication practices, ergonomic adjustments and general safety preparations.

Ladder safety poster
Ladder safety resources

Falls from ladders continue to be a top cause of workplace injuries. Remind yourself and your employees about proper ladder safety with resources from SFM.

Safe lifting techniques for preventing injury

Methods for safe lifting include: keep your head up, keep the load close, use a staggered stance, and remember "nose follows toes" to avoid twisting.

Laptop and tablet ergonomics

Mobile devices like laptops, tablets and cell phones all pose ergonomic challenges, but here are ways to minimize the risk.

Combat the dangers of sitting: Add movement to your workday

Here are six ideas for cutting back on sitting time and adding movement to your day.

Ergonomic and safety tips when working from home

Follow these guidelines to avoid pain and strain while working from home.

Standing desks and other alternative workstations come with both risks and benefits

Standing desks or sit/stand workstations are becoming an increasingly common option, but they come with their own risks and benefits for worker health and safety.

Our most popular safety videos

We have many safety-related videos on our YouTube Channel that you can watch and share with your staff.

Safety tips for manufacturing

Workers in manufacturing are exposed to a variety of dangers in the workplace. Although manufacturing can be a fast-paced environment, it's important to slow down and focus on worker safety.

An easy way to prevent falls: Use handrails

Serious injuries can result from falling down stairs. Using a handrail and staying free from distractions can prevent you from slips and falls when going up or down stairs.

Safety video: Avoid slipping this winter

Watch this video to learn how to avoid slipping and sliding this winter.

Forward-looking safety

If you’re like many employers, you spend considerable time and money making sure your organization adheres to OSHA requirements. It may be tempting to view this as the finish line for preventing injuries, but in reality, maintaining a truly safe workplace means going well beyond compliance.

Why chasing shoplifters is an unsafe choice for retail employees

You might see retailers chasing shoplifters in the movies, but in the real world it’s not a great idea. An employee could fall, get hit by a car or worse.

Welding and cutting torches: Protect yourself from ear damage caused by hot slag

Ear injuries can occur anytime someone is welding without ear protection, and the risk is especially high when a welder is working at an odd angle.

Preventing and responding to burns in kitchen environments

Use these tips to avoid burns while working in a kitchen.

Creating a policy for employee cell phone use while driving

If you have employees who drive as part of their jobs, your driving policy should address cell phone use. Use our sample cell phone policy as a guide to create your own.

15 ways to be your own SAFETY HERO, like Skip

Defend yourself against workplace accidents by being aware of hazards. Be a good example. Practice safety in every aspect of your job.

Tips to prevent re-injury after return-to-work

When an employee returns to work after an injury, make sure the employee understands the importance of working within medical restrictions and take these steps to prevent re-injury.

Cut down the risk of injury for your new employees

Make sure prospective hires understand the job and that new employees are properly trained to cut down the risk of injury.

Outdoor hazards to watch for during warm weather months

Warm weather is not without its own risks, especially for people who work outdoors. Watch out for tripping hazards, heat stress, severe weather and insects.

Slip-resistant shoes prevent falls in kitchen environments

Lessen the risk of a slip-and-fall injury by encouraging or requiring your employees to wear slip-resistant shoes, and providing a stipend to make compliance more likely.

Prevent late-winter slips and falls at the workplace

Thawing and freezing in late winter can cause dangerous slips and falls. Keep an eye on weather conditions and use caution to prevent injuries.

How to prevent eye injuries in the workplace

An estimated 2,000 eye injuries happen every day in the workplace. You can reduce the risk by knowing the hazards and wearing proper protective eyewear.

Managing hazardous chemical risks in the workplace

Keeping workers safe from dangerous materials is vital, yet compliance standards for proper management of hazardous chemicals can present challenges.

The health care workers at greatest risk for on-the-job injuries

It’s more dangerous to work in a hospital than to construct one. That’s based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics data on non-fatal injuries by occupation.

What safety pros keep in their winter emergency kits

We asked SFM’s loss prevention representatives what we’d find in the safety kits they keep in their cars in case of roadside emergencies. Here's what they said.

Preventing injuries among aging workers

Why older workers are more at risk for workers’ comp injuries, and four tips for preventing injuries among older workers

Inexpensive safety solution: Replace old utility knives

Consider replacing old manually retractable and fixed-blade utility knives with a concealed blade version for a safer option.

Safety video: Moves you can use to avoid winter slips and falls

Use this lighthearted video to remind and train your employees to avoid winter slips and falls, a common cause of workplace injuries.

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